Thursday, October 15, 2015

Are You Insane?

I am, sometimes… I am referring to Einstein’s definition of “Insanity” -

  Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again 
and expecting different results.”
‘Insanity’ for me is often habitual thoughts that don’t serve me – thoughts like, “this will be hard”, or “I don’t have enough time” or “I’ve got too much to do”…. Sound familiar?  The challenging part is that once a thought pattern is habitual, it runs automatically!

Most people want to improve themselves and the quality of their lives.  Sometimes they don’t know where to start, other times they can’t seem to maintain a change over time (think – ‘New Year’s Resolutions’) and fall back into old habits.

Some habits are good – such as all the steps involved in driving a car.  Once we practice for a little while, we don’t have to think about where the turn signal is, to look in the mirror, step on the brake, etc.  It is all automatically done without consciously thinking about it.

But what about habits that don’t serve us?  In fact, sometimes even helpful habits can take over when we don’t want them to.  Have you ever been driving somewhere, and are thinking about something else, and suddenly you are on the way home from work, even though you meant to visit a friend?  So many of our actions (and thoughts!) run automatically all day, every day.

It can be quite challenging to change our habits – not only do we have to be much more aware of all of our automatic thoughts and behaviors, it can be uncomfortable to change them at first!

It becomes MUCH easier to make changes in our lives when we have help.   Support from others can motivate us, help keep us on track and help celebrate our successes along the way!  This is one reason why Personal Trainers and Coaches typically get great success with their clients.

Another very powerful way to get support is with a group of like-minded people.  You can take turns supporting each other, one person’s successes help carry the others in forward momentum, and we are usually more willing to stay committed if others are counting on us.

So, are you Insane?  If you want something different in your life, do you know what needs to change?  If not, what’s your next step?  If so, what support can you find to help you maintain this change?

If you would like my support, please let me know.  I have affordable group programs as well as my one-on-one Life Mastery Program.  If you are not sure what you need to change, ask about a Complimentary personal Breakthrough session with me.  I’d love to help you create more Joy in your life!

Just email me and ask!! 
