Wednesday, October 3, 2012


As many of you are aware, I have been practicing living by the Law of Attraction philosophy for a while now.  Some of the basic concepts include living from a perspective of gratitude and appreciation, and putting my focus on what I DO want, rather than what I do not want. I love the phrase: “Energy flows where our attention goes!”   For example, if my neighbor’s dogs are barking loudly and disturbing me, I can choose to focus on how irritating the barking is, (what I do NOT want) or, I can remember how lovely it is when my home is peaceful and quiet, and trust that it will be peaceful soon, if not in that moment.  (What I DO want.)  In other words, I am flowing my energy towards a peaceful home environment, rather than giving more of my energy to my irritation.  This is using a Key I refer to as "Anticipation."  Anticipation requires me to TRUST AND EXPECT things to be the way I want.
In the past, I have spent a lot of time and energy ‘wishing’ and ‘hoping’ that what I desired would manifest, with mixed results… Why was it so hard for me to manifest what I wanted?  Clarity came when I recognized that I often had some doubt that what I wanted would come true -  Maybe I wasn’t being good enough, or maybe I wasn’t visualizing clearly enough, or maybe I needed to write more affirmations….

It is sometimes challenging to have a clear expectation that what I am desiring will come to be.  I sometimes stumble when I cannot see HOW what I am wanting will come to be.  Lottery fantasies are a way to imagine a convenient ‘how’ to bring many things I want.  But I still have those nagging thoughts about how high the odds are against winning the lottery.  Or, I notice my current situation, and can feel frustrated that I can’t do all the things I want to do right now, and so I am giving my energy to what I DON’T want.  And so, I can dance between trust and doubt.

And now, I am aware of the holiday season approaching, and I remembered the feelings I had as a child just before Christmas - the delightful anticipation that WONDERFUL things were coming.  There would be festivities, parties, decorations, goodies, music and, finally, a Christmas tree with presents overflowing underneath!  In those moments, it didn’t really matter to me what presents I got, I was sure that there would be great things coming, and I especially liked surprises, so the anticipation of Christmas day was thrilling!

I realized that this feeling of excited ANTICIPATION was one of no doubt.  I knew it was going to be fun, I knew I would have a great time and love what I received  - even if I didn’t know exactly what would be under the tree….  THAT is the feeling I want to create in my life on a regular basis.  When I can wake up each morning, anticipating a wonderful day, not knowing what surprises are coming, and not even worrying if today isn’t the day for the surprises, because I know they will be coming soon, then I will be living in a clear place of expectation and appreciation!

So, all I need to do is be six years old again, and pretend that every month is December.  That sounds silly, but it feels pretty good.  Want to "play Anticipation" with me??

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


It has been over 21 years since I was first introduced to Reiki by my friend Nancy.  At the time, I didn’t feel much when she gave me a Reiki treatment – just a sense of ease, relief and relaxation.  I didn’t feel heat from her hands, or even know what ‘energy’ felt like back then.  Little did I know how dramatically this simple practice of “hands on healing” would impact my life!

It was some months later I took a First Degree Reiki class in Phoenix and my motivation (I thought!) was one of curiosity.  As I look back, I can see that I was unwittingly “following the bread crumbs” to a life that I couldn’t have begun to imagine, let alone believe was possible!

Even when I took the First Degree class, I enjoyed it, I liked meeting the people in the class and was excited about the prospect of sharing Reiki with others – even though I wasn’t fully confident it was real!  I offered Reiki to friends mostly out of a need to gather evidence that something this easy and simple could work.  I had no idea that this was a “fork in the road” that would lead me to my life today.

In many ways, I still feel that I am “following the bread crumbs” and cannot envision what my life will be like in a few years from now.  And, I think I’d rather not know.

Many times I meet students or clients who are seeking clarity on “What is my Purpose”, or how do I “Fulfill my Destiny”, or “What is it I Came Here to Do?”  I am beginning to see that for most of us, it is not a Vision that we find or discover, and then make the plan and take action to fulfill – but rather a Journey that leads us to a place of Fulfillment.

If I had known back in 1994 that I was going to “quit my day job”, and never have a guaranteed income again, I might not have made the decision to begin my training as a Reiki master. 

If I had known that when I left Honolulu almost three years ago to take a ‘three month sabbatical’ that I would be traveling constantly for all this time, I might not have taken that step.

(a little sidebar – I can hear the theme song for Gilligan’s Island in my head right now – “… set sail that day, For a three hour tour, a three hour tour… So this is the tale of the castaways - They're here for a long, long time, They'll have to make the best of things…)

My point is, when we follow an idea, an inspiration, a nudge of some kind, it is often the “breadcrumb” that leads us towards our fulfillment.  Many of us feel that until we have a clear plan or idea that we can’t or shouldn’t take action.  Or, that we try and anticipate all of the possible problems that could arise before we decide to take action.

I started off talking about my decision to take a Reiki class.  I was motivated by a little curiosity, and listened to that nudge.  I had no idea that it would lead me to where I am today, but all I can do is sit here in deep appreciation for all that has unfolded since I chose to take a class.

What ‘nudge” has called you lately?  Why not follow it?

Monday, June 25, 2012


Do You Close the Door on Possibilities?

If you were told that it IS possible to live a rich, happy, satisfying, fulfilled life, would you believe it is true? 

Sometimes we are blocked by thoughts like: “I can’t because…”  (it would take more education and money); (I tried that, it didn’t work); (they would never agree); (when I think of that, I just shut down); (I just can’t motivate myself); and  - the most common one: “I don’t know HOW to…”

How often do we “Close the Door” on our own thoughts and ideas?  What if you have EVERYTHING necessary to be great?  To fulfill your Highest Potential?  If so, what is in the way?  Do you give up before you begin?  Are you afraid to Dream because you don’t want to be disappointed?  Or you believed someone who told you that you couldn’t succeed?

What this short video clip about some people who were told they couldn’t succeed:   WATCH VIDEO 

How are these people different from you?  The difference is that they didn’t give up and they BELIEVED!

How do you get from doubt, fear, confusion, discouragement, lack of motivation or other negative thoughts to BELIEF?

There are a number of things you can do ~
The first step is to decide you want to…

The second step is to crack open the (sometimes closed) door of your mind say, “What if it IS possible? (and, if that gremlin voice in your head tells you that it is too scary to believe it is possible, just say “Thank you for sharing” and ignore it!)

Now, the most important step it to take the leap from where you are at this moment and allow yourself to imagine your greatest dream possible!  It is best to start with one area of your life – perhaps a vision of a loving romance, or a happy family or professional success.  It is VERY important to NOT be practical at this stage.  The important part of this step is to imagine something that makes you FEEL great!  (**Some of you very practical people may find this challenging – you may find it difficult to emotionally connect to something before you see it is possible. ***  If this is your experience, then it is important to imagine something that you can emotionally get excited about.)

Remember back in childhood when you could dream and imagine anything was possible?  Perhaps you envisioned yourself as a rock star – or a fireman – or a teacher - or a mountain climber – or an artist….  As children, we are able to envision all sorts of possibilities and we never worry about whether they are feasible or realistic!

The purpose of this imagining is not to “figure out” your dream future plan or goal, it is to activate your creativity and intuition!  It is important to be playful!  It is important to connect with what makes us feel good, what delights us, brings us Joy!  The details and the “How” are not important at all – we need to connect to the wonderful feelings of excitement, enthusiasm & playfulness.

Another “clue” to finding possibilities for your future is to pay attention to activities that cause you to lose all sense of time...  

For me, it was when I was playing with clay in a ceramics class.  Three hours disappeared in a blink when my hands were in clay.  Does this mean I am “supposed” to be a ceramics artist? Not necessarily, but it is a clue for me that creative expression is a way for me to live in Joy.

The reason that it is important to imagine things that stir our emotions, is to move into a “Future of Possibilities” we need to be connected to our Passion.  If you watched the video in the link above, about people who were told they would not succeed, you will recognize the one quality they had in common: PASSION.

When we have Passion, motivation is not necessary and we don’t let the lack of resources or solutions hold us back.  With Passion, all things become possible and, even easy!

As I learned in a seminar over 25 years ago:  “When the Intention is Clear – the Mechanism (the HOW) will appear!”

 If you would like to practice and learn specific tools to creating a future that is greater than what you currently believe is possible, please join us on my upcoming FREE Tele-Class:

“Opening the Door to Possibilities”

Thursday July 5

5 pm Hawaii, 8 pm Pacific & 11 pm Eastern

Click Here to Register

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


In January 2010, I packed up my belongings, put them in storage, moved out of my house and set off for what I thought was a 6 month trip.  I expected to return to Hawaii and settle into a new home and continue with life as usual. Now, two and a half years later, I am still “Home Free” and living out of my suitcase!

I have just left England, where I attended a weekend Reiki Retreat near Glastonbury hosted by a fellow Reiki Master and friend, Melanie Hoffstead. It was a magical time, and one of the songs we sang (in an amazing Druid circle) was “Home Is Where The Heart Is”. How appropriate!

During a good part of these past two plus years, I have been living in other people's homes - sometimes as a house-sitter, other times as a house guest.  I am extremely grateful to the many people who have welcomed me into their home.  It has been a time of receiving, and learning to receive with appreciation without diminishing my sense of self when others are so generous towards me.  It helped that this gypsy life-style has been by choice, rather than feeling it was out of necessity, but isn't that simply choosing something 100% rather than feeling something is a reluctant option?

In the past, when I was the recipient of someone's generosity, it often came with a feeling of being less - Of being needy rather than capable, of being dependent on others, rather than fully capable within my own self.  I am sure many of you have had similar feelings.

Why do we feel "less" or "needy" when others give to us?  Is it because we feel they wouldn't give if we weren't in need?  Is it because we believe that if I receive, I am taking from someone else? Do I only give when I perceive someone of being needy or needing to be helped or rescued? No!  I frequently give for the joy of it, because I have blessings and abundance to share, and I especially love giving to others when they joyfully appreciate my gift, rather than being apologetic because they perceived themselves as somehow less than me.

I learned a great lesson many years ago when a client gifted me with the money to attend a Reiki Master Workshop in Uruguay.  When she offered to pay for both my trip and the workshop, I was brought to tears.  I said to her - "But, but, that is so generous!"  Her wise reply to me was "No, I don't see it as generous - you are supposed to go, and I am just the vehicle!"

What if we are all simply the "vehicles" for each other?  What if we give for the joy of it, rather than out of some sense of obligation, duty or even pity?  What if our lives are simply a dance, where we take turns leading and following, supporting and receiving - Recognizing that everything we give and receive with each other is simply all part of the Infinite Abundance of Source, and we get to be the caretaker of some of that abundance for a while.

Receiving with Gratitude and Joy is, in my opinion, the best way to say thanks, and, of course to attract continued blessings and abundance, so I am able to also "pay it forward" in my life every day.

I am so blessed by all of you who have touched my life and given your 'energy' to me - be it a smile, a meal, an encouraging word, tuition for a class, a referral, a place to stay, helped me laugh, made me cry, hugged me, or simply just listened.  I have never felt so abundant and blessed as I have these past years. A Joyful Mahalo for all of your gifts!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I have had comments from some people close to me that I would be more effective if I trusted myself more. I thought I WAS trusting myself!

When I sat with this feedback from friends I trusted, I saw times where I looked outside of myself for validation, for answers and for confirmation, even though I thought I was pretty good at trusting myself and my intuition.

What these friends saw in me was often a reluctance to speak out and own my knowledge and perceptions. Sometimes I would offer knowledge and information, giving all the credit to others who had inspired me rather than owning the wisdom that my studies and practice had given me. I also had opinions or suggestions that I withheld. Many years ago, I had little discernment about what I said and blurted out whatever popped into my head (often with painful consequences!) Now I have perhaps swung the pendulum a little too far in the other direction.

What I perceived as thoughtful and discerning others saw as a lack of confidence or trust in myself. I also recognized an aversion to speaking my mind and later discovering I was "wrong". My pride/ego hates being wrong!

When I first began teaching Reiki, I was cautious about making specific statements about the benefits and results of Reiki. Now after over 16 years of experience, I speak quite authoritatively about the benefits of Reiki. I see this confidence in my statements as a benefit and support to my students. I think it's time to take this confidence to other areas of my life as well.

I'm ready to offer another level of leadership. This type of leadership that I am speaking of is not a controlling or dominant type of leadership but rather owning what I know and being willing to share it without hesitation. I'm also recognizing that growth, at the beginning, is sometimes uncomfortable. And I have been feeling this discomfort. As I write this, it is feeling less like discomfort and more like excitement.

In the workshops and groups I have offered on Accessing your Intuition, trusting oneself is a critical piece. Self-doubt, second guessing and being self-critical are all great obstacles to using our intuition. I have had enough positive experiences with my intuitive gifts that I rarely doubt what comes through me intuitively. I can see, however, that as I embrace a new level of confidence – “Self Trust” in my knowledge I will have much more to offer my students and clients, my Reiki community, and my friends.

How can I do this effectively? 
Ironically, if I want to be able to ‘speak out’ confidently and with self-trust, I need to listen well.
-       I have learned that the best way to listen is for me to be fully present.  To ‘take in’ what others are saying with all my senses, to not be reacting, or thinking about what I want to say in reply.

Another important thing is that I need to be willing to ask questions.
-       Instead of making assumptions, I need to be sure I understand what is being said..
-       I need to let go of my fear of looking foolish if I ask a ‘dumb’ question.
-       I also need to let go of the expectation that I am supposed to have all the answers!  I can be knowledgeable, confident and have a lot to contribute without all the ‘answers’.
-       And, sometimes, a good question is much more helpful than trying to have answers!

And a final thing I can do is to be willing to make a mistake.
-       It takes courage to ‘make a stand’, ‘take a position’, or simply to have an opinion.
-       When I am paying more attention to what I think of myself (and for myself) instead of being concerned about what others think of me, I am free to Trust Myself.

It is feeling a little "edgy" to put this in writing and to share with all of you, but I am ready to "walk my talk" and demonstrate a new level of confidence in myself. It is my hope that my willingness to do so will awaken and inspire a new level of self-trust in all of you. At this moment, I am experiencing an interesting mix of feeling vulnerable and confident at the same time…

I would love to hear how these thoughts have affected you. I welcome your e-mails.

Aloha, Maureen