Monday, November 28, 2011


What if life is supposed to be easy?  What if life is supposed to be joyful play, ALL the time?  What if life is supposed to be an ever-expanding adventure of creative expression?  What if the only thing stopping us from having unlimited health, wealth & prosperity is what we are thinking about and what we believe is possible?

I know, we have to make a living, pay our bills, etc.  But who said it should be difficult?  Yes, who said so? What if those people (parents, teachers, church, etc.) that taught us that we shouldn’t expect all that we desire to come to us effortlessly were mislead?  What if they were simply taught something erroneous and they passed it on?  Remember, about 500 years ago, people were taught that the world was flat!  Even a hundred years ago, who could have believed space travel, cell phones and the internet would be part of our daily life?

Take a minute to imagine what you would like life to be like - if you could create it any way you wanted?  What would you spend your days doing?  Where would you live? What would you dream of?  What would you create?  It can feel a little mind boggling if we really set no limitations on ourselves….

HMMMMM, sailing on my private chartered yacht in the Caribbean, treks to Machu Pichu in Peru and to Egypt and Greece and Italy… Spending a month in some exotic place learning the indigenous style of pottery or weaving…. Spending a few months in a Hawaiian preschool learning to speak Hawaiian fluently… scuba diving in different places all over the world…. Skydiving, learning to fly a helicopter, creating and tending a garden and then preparing meals for friends made from all the things I have grown myself… buying a piece of oceanfront property and building and designing and decorating my dream home… oh, yes, visiting with Oprah and talking story with her….

These are a just a few things that come to mind, I am sure as I continued to expand my horizons, more exciting things would bubble up.  “Maybe I could do some or one of those things…” “Of course I would have to work hard to earn the money to do all of that…”    “Unrealistic?” “ Irresponsible?” “ Selfish?”  “Indulgent?”  Those are some of the gremlin-like thoughts that can show up in reaction to dreams like these. 

Then the question came to mind:  “What is my purpose here?”

WHAT IF our purpose in life is NOT to earn a living, be a productive member of society, do good deeds?… WHAT IF our purpose in life (or even multiple lives) is NOT to learn lessons, repeating them until we get it right?…. WHAT IF our purpose in life is NOT to discover our gifts and use them in a way that benefits others?… WHAT IF our purpose in life is NOT to take care of our neighbor, make others happy, and live a moral, ‘good’ life?…. WHAT IF our purpose in life is NOT to atone or clear the Karma from past actions?… WHAT IF our purpose in life is NOT to do anything we have been told….

What if our purpose in life is to simply find ways to be joyful?  To explore and experience all that we desire?  What if the details like food, shelter and money really can take care of themselves when we live from a place of trust and faith?  We have heard things like “Ask and it is given”, “To believe is to achieve”, To think is to create” or “We are never given a desire without the means to fulfill it”?  WHAT IF THEY ARE REALLY TRUE?  What if we don’t have to DO anything to ‘earn’ or ‘deserve’ or ‘be worthy’ of anything?

I realize that for some, these are radical thoughts, but they are certainly worth exploring.  Over the years, I keep coming across this perspective and have embraced it to varying degrees.  If I hadn’t believed this philosophy to some degree, I would never have taken the ‘leap’ to become a Reiki master.

Have any of you had experiences of living from Trust and having Life work?  I’d love to hear your stories and examples – and I’d love to hear your comments if I struck a chord with you…