Friday, August 5, 2011


At a seminar I attended over twenty years ago, the facilitator asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks.  She asked: “When are you going to get tired of being RIGHT instead of HAPPY?”  She was referring specifically to my fear/belief that if I opened my heart to a man, I would be hurt.  She pointed out to me that I kept being drawn to men that fulfilled my fear/belief and were the perfect match – in other words, I got to Be Right!

About a decade later,I met a woman (who had taken many of the same seminars I had taken) had a very annoying habit - Whenever I said something like “I can’t do that,” or “I can’t afford that,” or “It’s too hard”, she would say, “If you say so…”  The most annoying part of her behavior was that I knew what she said was true!

Henry Ford is quoted as saying: “Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right.”    

I must confess that I still get a little thrill of pleasure when someone says to me, “You were right.”

You may have heard the phrase, “Energy flows where our attention goes.” ~ meaning that whatever we put our focus or attention on, receives more energy and increases.  From this perspective, we all get to Be Right - always!

So, what do I get to Be Right about?  The obvious answer is whatever I am focusing upon.  Over the past few years I began to pay attention to all the random thoughts that drifted through my mind. I was amazed at how I got to "Be Right" about so many things I didn’t like ~  such as “I’m too fat”, “I’m too tired.”, or “It’s too hard.”, or "I never have enough money."   

I can shift those thoughts to something else that is true, and at the same time, make it be something I like.  What am I Being Right about?  If I think, “I can’t afford that.” I will Be Right.  Or, if instead, I think, “I will be able to afford that soon.” I can Be Right about that! 

Then I thought about the wise question, “When are you going to get tired of being RIGHT instead of HAPPY?” This is not an either/or question.  It is not choosing between being right OR being happy, but instead, I am free to choose WHAT I am Being Right about!  Instead of my old fear of being hurt if I open my heart, I can choose to change my belief and recognize that when I open my heart, it will open someone else's heart.  I can choose to Be Right about my life getting better and better each day.  I can choose to Be Right about all of the abundance in my life.  I can choose to Be Right about having the most amazing friends ever imagined. I can choose to Be Right about my Intuitive gifts continuing to grow, and to Be Right the Joy is our Birthright and we can all claim it!

What do you choose to Be Right about?