Monday, June 25, 2012


Do You Close the Door on Possibilities?

If you were told that it IS possible to live a rich, happy, satisfying, fulfilled life, would you believe it is true? 

Sometimes we are blocked by thoughts like: “I can’t because…”  (it would take more education and money); (I tried that, it didn’t work); (they would never agree); (when I think of that, I just shut down); (I just can’t motivate myself); and  - the most common one: “I don’t know HOW to…”

How often do we “Close the Door” on our own thoughts and ideas?  What if you have EVERYTHING necessary to be great?  To fulfill your Highest Potential?  If so, what is in the way?  Do you give up before you begin?  Are you afraid to Dream because you don’t want to be disappointed?  Or you believed someone who told you that you couldn’t succeed?

What this short video clip about some people who were told they couldn’t succeed:   WATCH VIDEO 

How are these people different from you?  The difference is that they didn’t give up and they BELIEVED!

How do you get from doubt, fear, confusion, discouragement, lack of motivation or other negative thoughts to BELIEF?

There are a number of things you can do ~
The first step is to decide you want to…

The second step is to crack open the (sometimes closed) door of your mind say, “What if it IS possible? (and, if that gremlin voice in your head tells you that it is too scary to believe it is possible, just say “Thank you for sharing” and ignore it!)

Now, the most important step it to take the leap from where you are at this moment and allow yourself to imagine your greatest dream possible!  It is best to start with one area of your life – perhaps a vision of a loving romance, or a happy family or professional success.  It is VERY important to NOT be practical at this stage.  The important part of this step is to imagine something that makes you FEEL great!  (**Some of you very practical people may find this challenging – you may find it difficult to emotionally connect to something before you see it is possible. ***  If this is your experience, then it is important to imagine something that you can emotionally get excited about.)

Remember back in childhood when you could dream and imagine anything was possible?  Perhaps you envisioned yourself as a rock star – or a fireman – or a teacher - or a mountain climber – or an artist….  As children, we are able to envision all sorts of possibilities and we never worry about whether they are feasible or realistic!

The purpose of this imagining is not to “figure out” your dream future plan or goal, it is to activate your creativity and intuition!  It is important to be playful!  It is important to connect with what makes us feel good, what delights us, brings us Joy!  The details and the “How” are not important at all – we need to connect to the wonderful feelings of excitement, enthusiasm & playfulness.

Another “clue” to finding possibilities for your future is to pay attention to activities that cause you to lose all sense of time...  

For me, it was when I was playing with clay in a ceramics class.  Three hours disappeared in a blink when my hands were in clay.  Does this mean I am “supposed” to be a ceramics artist? Not necessarily, but it is a clue for me that creative expression is a way for me to live in Joy.

The reason that it is important to imagine things that stir our emotions, is to move into a “Future of Possibilities” we need to be connected to our Passion.  If you watched the video in the link above, about people who were told they would not succeed, you will recognize the one quality they had in common: PASSION.

When we have Passion, motivation is not necessary and we don’t let the lack of resources or solutions hold us back.  With Passion, all things become possible and, even easy!

As I learned in a seminar over 25 years ago:  “When the Intention is Clear – the Mechanism (the HOW) will appear!”

 If you would like to practice and learn specific tools to creating a future that is greater than what you currently believe is possible, please join us on my upcoming FREE Tele-Class:

“Opening the Door to Possibilities”

Thursday July 5

5 pm Hawaii, 8 pm Pacific & 11 pm Eastern

Click Here to Register