Saturday, December 26, 2015

"The One Common Habit That Keeps Us Stuck"

It is a habit of thinking that I see a lot in my work with clients...
This common habit is a 'habit of thought', rather than a 'habit of action', and is usually less visible, yet it keeps us caught in re-creating the same results, even though we are clear about wanting a change, and are even taking steps towards our desired new results....

I became aware of this limiting habit of thought when I worked with people in my Mastermind groups.  (A Mastermind is a group of like-minded people who envision and support each other in attaining their goals.)  I was committed to supporting each person in what they said they wanted in their lives - such as more Money, more Time, more Organization, better Health, better Relationships, more Fun!

The biggest obstacle for most was the gap between their Desire and their Belief of what was possible. 

And, as often happens, when I see something in my clients, I find it in myself, too.  (Yikes! This keeps me humble.)

One of my goals for 2015 was to double the number of Life Mastery clients I worked with each week.  I signed up for an intensive on-line marketing training program.  I was very excited about the possibilities… I had every reason to BELIEVE that I would be successful in my goal:  I was doing new things, I was committed, I was motivated, I had a mentor and coach… sooooo my goal was achievable and believable, right?

The result?  I did end up working with some wonderful new clients this past year.  I learned how to do webinars, created 2 eBooks, and met some wonderful people – and I ended up with almost exactly the same number of clients as I had the past 2 or 3 years!!! 

What happened? I desired, wished for and hoped that I would achieve my goal.  I had new knowledge and support, so my mind knew it was more than possible, BUT there was a Gap.  The Gap was between what I intended and what I believed with CERTAINTY!
This GAP is usually invisible.  We say we want “Y”, and the best we have experienced is “X”, so the subconscious expectation is still “X”.  This is perpetuated with our cultural conditioning of thoughts like “I’ll believe it when I see it”, “I need to be realistic”, “It is better to prepare for the worst so as not to be disappointed”, etc.

The common habit that keeps us stuck is when we base our beliefs on what we have already experienced!

Napoleon Hill said, “What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” 

Our belief is the key to the results we attain.  To go back to my example above, I dreamed, wished and hoped to double my clients last year, but deep down in my heart I didn’t KNOW I could!  I hadn’t yet experienced that level of success, so I wasn’t CERTAIN that I would do it last year – That is what Belief really is – CERTAINTY!

This year, I have the same goal.  I have fine-tuned my approach a bit, and, I am using a number of tools and techniques to move my Desire into Certainty this year.  For example, one simple tool I am using is a visual printout of my calendar – with all of the appointment times filled up!  Using a visual prop helps program my subconscious to expect it!  It sounds really simple, but it makes a big difference!

So, what do YOU want for this coming year?   
Can you feel CERTAIN that it will happen?   
If so, you are 90% there - If not, this is your GAP 
– this is the critical step to your success in achieving your dream!

I have some upcoming programs (some are free) that can help you close your Gap, please go to  for more information.

Aloha! Maureen
P.S. Please share some of YOUR dreams - by sharing them with others, you increase your commitment to them :)