Saturday, August 19, 2017

Did You Know Reiki Can Make You Nicer? 👿

I often tell a story in my First Degree Reiki class where an acquaintance said  "I'm glad to see you again, now that you do Reiki. You are SO different!"

I had no idea what she was talking about - and when I questioned her, she finally confessed, "You used to be a B**ch -  but I like you now!"

This struck me as very odd, so I approached a close friend and asked if she noticed anything different about me over the past few months (That is, once I started practicing Reiki on myself daily.) She said, “Oh, yes! You are much more relaxed and happier!”  I then asked another friend the same question and got a similar response.

I realized that if 3 unrelated people noticed a change in me, it was most likely true.  It took me a while to recognize what they had all noticed – Before giving myself Reiki everyday, I had constantly felt overwhelmed and never caught up with all my tasks and responsibilities.  Even when I was at a social event, my mind was thinking about what I had to get done later that day and the next! 

No wonder this acquaintance thought I was a B**ch – I was never present or paying attention to anyone else!  I was so trapped in just coping with my life, I never got to really be the warm, loving person I thought I was. 

When we are feeling stressed in life, we are not able to be our "best selves.”  By simply doing Reiki self-treatments regularly, we are able to be our nicer, "best selves"!  Reiki nourishes us and replenishes the energy that is depleted by stress – so we are able to be healthier, happier and ‘nicer’!