November is the month when many of us pay more attention to being thankful - the Thanksgiving holiday helps remind us. We know it is a good thing to acknowledge and appreciate our blessings, but do we really understand the POWER of gratitude and appreciation?
I believe that everything we
experience is brought about by our consciousness – i.e. our thoughts and
emotions – our “Vibration”. You may have heard the phrase, “Energy flows where
our attention goes.”
When we go through our typical days, and
notice a lot of things we don’t like, such as the traffic, the high electric
bill, the news, the way someone is driving, the service in a restaurant (you
get the idea)… then we give more of our energy (our Life Force) to the things
we DON’T want!
To really understand the ‘Power of
Appreciation’, we need to take this concept even deeper to a principle called
“Law of Attraction”.
A great analogy for this is a tuning
fork. Tuning forks are designed to
vibrate at a specific tone or frequency.
When we strike a tuning fork tuned to the note of “C”, for example, it
will vibrate at the frequency of a perfect ”C”, and we will hear that
sound. If you hold another tuning fork
near it that is also tuned to the
note of “C”, the second fork will vibrate and ‘sing’ the note of “C” without
being struck! It can even affect another
same-tone tuning fork as far away as the length of a football field!
The interesting thing is that this
‘spontaneous’ vibration occurs ONLY if both forks are tuned to the same
note. You could hold up tuning forks of
different notes and nothing will happen.
SO…. When we are focusing on all the irritations, frustrations and
things we DON’T like, these emotions generate our frequency (vibration) and we
actually ATTRACT more of what we don’t want in our experience!
SO… how do we stop being irritated and frustrated? How can we change our Vibration to attract
what we DO want?
This is done through the Power of Appreciation! It takes some awareness and a little practice
(well, perhaps a lot of practice J). Whenever we
notice feelings of frustration or irritation, we must notice what we are
focusing on, and then find 2 or 3 things to really appreciate!
For example, I might be driving over the Pali Highway and get irritated
by the way someone is driving (yes, I do get irritated by other drivers J) As
soon as I notice how I am feeling, I will look around and find something to
appreciate! For example, I might look up
and see a waterfall or a rainbow, I might see the sun peeking through the
clouds, or a song I like might come on the radio, or I might see someone in a
car next to me singing out loud while they are driving… you get the idea.
Hint: If you catch your negative feelings quickly, before they spiral
downwards into anger and resentment, it is A LOT easier to shift to
If you choose to tap into the Power of Appreciation every day, you will
begin to experience amazing results – your “tuning fork” will ‘activate’ more
things in your experience that you will find easy to appreciate! You will experience more Serendipity in your
life, you will attract more pleasure, joy, delight and fulfillment.
It sounds simple, and it is, and with a little practice you can easily
tap into the “Power of Appreciation”!
Try it and let me know what you experience!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving season of Appreciation!
Thanks for reading, I appreciate You!
In appreciation,
(Here was a lovely moment of appreciation....)