Monday, April 25, 2011

"Figuring It Out"

In many of my Intuitive Guidance sessions I work with people who are trying to “Figure out” what they need, or “Figure out” what they want or “Figure out” what their purpose in life is.  Others may be clear on what it is they want, but are trying to “Figure out” HOW to get it!

The advice that they usually receive is to STOP TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT! When we are ‘figuring out’ something, we are using our mind, our rational thought processes to find an answer or a solution.  This is the slowest, hardest way to get what you want! 

When we are looking for solutions with our mind (i.e. our intellect) the only resources we have are based upon what we already know – our past experiences and what we have been exposed to.  So, to have something new, we need to have creative ideas and solutions.  They do not come from trying to figure it out!

For example, back in the late 1980s, I worked as a manager for a number of companies.  I was happy to a point, but life often felt like a struggle and I had to force myself to get up and go to work some days. (With some of the jobs I had – most days!) I changed companies every couple of years and never quite found my niche.  When I was trying to ‘figure out’ what I could do to be happier and more successful with my work, I would list my skills, strengths, experience, education and training.  Then, I would look at all the possible jobs I could qualify for and what the income potential was.  And finally, I would sort through these possibilities, eliminate those that didn’t have enough income, highlight the ones that had interesting qualities and then take action!  My action would be re-writing my resume, contacting recruiters and reading the help-wanted ads every Sunday.  It was a frustrating, depressing experience.  Eventually, I would find something hopeful, apply, get hired, and do the same thing all over again a few years later. What was I doing wrong?  I had used the “Figure it out” approach.

Now, I have been self-employed and teaching Reiki for over 15 years, and I live an amazingly wonderful life!  I get up when I want to, take vacations when I want to, travel a lot, and I look forward to my work every day!  In fact, I sometimes think I look forward to my Reiki classes and Intuitive sessions more than my students and clients do.  I would still be doing what I do, even if I won the lottery and didn’t need to work another day. 

How did I get here?  It was not by “Figuring it out”, that is for sure.  For example,  I didn’t even know Reiki existed, and, if after I attended my first Reiki class, someone had told me that I would be ‘quitting my day job’ and traveling and teaching Reiki, I wouldn’t have believed them.  I wouldn’t have thought it was possible, that it would be too hard to make a steady income, that Reiki was too ‘fringe’ and weird, etc. etc.

So, what did happen?  It was a combination of things.  I got clearer about what I did like in my work, I took some seminars on personal development and became more positive about myself and began to believe that anything was possible.  I became a bit of a ‘Pollyanna’ and started trusting that there was a solution to everything, even when I couldn’t see it or imagine it.

That was when the ‘magic’ began.  I started looking for synchronicity in my life, I expected positive things to happen to me, and, discovered that I could find a positive aspect in anything that I experienced.  From this open perspective, I was actually tapping into the power of the Law of Attraction without even knowing it.

When we open ourselves up to more than our intellect, we expand to an infinite realm of possibilities – intuition, inspiration & creativity all flow from a broader source than our minds!  Now, in this open, positive space, aligned with all the possibilities of the universe, solutions and opportunities kept showing up!

Even as I took the steps necessary to be where I am today, I had no idea where it would lead me.  I took the Reiki class out of curiosity.  I organized a class for my Reiki master here in Honolulu, because it seemed like a fun thing to do.  I asked about training more in Reiki, because I loved how it made me feel, not that it was a career opportunity. 

It would not have been as easy to be self employed and successful if I hadn’t had my previous business experience.  I took the risk to be self employed, because it was exciting, and I figured I could always get a ‘real job’ if it didn’t work out.  I wasn’t afraid to fail, because I knew I could bounce back and start over if I needed to.  I also did things to ‘nourish’ me spiritually, like doing Reiki for myself daily.

You can now see that I just kept taking steps that were fun, exciting and a little risky.  I never had it all figured out – I still don’t!  Now, I am doing also Intuitive work, it is really rewarding and satisfying.  I am not sure where it will lead, but I know things just keep getting better, more successful and fun!

So, how can someone stop trying to “Figure it out” and find the ‘magic’ for themselves?  There are infinite ways!  Notice and appreciate what already works for you.  Find and commit to a regular practice that adds peace to your life and nourishes you – meditation, Reiki, yoga, tai chi… Take workshops and courses that you find interesting and inspiring.  Like and appreciate yourself more.  After a while, you will find yourself dreaming of greater things without the pangs of not knowing how to get there.  Your life, your passion, your joy will simply unfold, and you will look back in amazement at the perfect, unique path you followed to get there.  Your guidance comes from your heart, not your head.  So follow your heart and discover what you are seeking!